Hazlemere Fit Out Idyllic Properties With Aluminium

We’ve installed new windows and doors at some extravagant properties in our time and these two stylish abodes are right up there in terms of having the ‘X’ factor, even more so after we fitted them with brand spanking new aluminium frames.

Located in Esher, Surrey, we replaced all the existing windows and doors with coloured double glazed aluminium and don’t they look as pretty as a picture!

We utilised a more commercial profile than we would normally integrate into a residential project, but we did so as it’s one that is robust enough to cope with the large expanses of glass.

It was a big job but nothing is ever too big for Hazlemere.

The slim sightlines work an absolute treat and will help lure in a considerable amount of natural sunlight into the building leaving it feeling airy and inviting.

The hard aluminium surface will resist weathering too so there’s no chance of it losing its aesthetically pleasing looks either, nor will there be any need for maintenance, making it a fantastic long-term investment for each of the occupants; you couldn’t wish for a more secure material.

We took a wide selection of photos of both installations as they look stunning from every possible angle and you can see a few of them below.

Aluminium house 1

Aluminium house 2

Aluminium house 3


Our showrooms are our shop windows and we have invested heavily to create extensive displays that best showcase our large range of windows, doors and living spaces. You will receive a warm welcome, plus a proper coffee, and the choice to browse at your leisure without interruption.


Want to speak with an Advisor? Give us a call on 08000 825 825

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