Hazlemere Classic Aluminium Window System Withdrawn

Over the years Hazlemere Windows have supplied and fitted thousands upon thousands of aluminium windows and doors to properties in the South of England. As independent manufacturers and installers Hazlemere have always offered a range of profiles. Unfortunately, one of these profiles is being withdrawn this Autumn from the UK marketplace by it’s systems manufacturer. This “C” rated aluminium window system has a deep opening vent and has been known as Hazlemere Classic. The majority of the aluminium profiles offered by Hazlemere are unaffected, so those with Sapa Crown or Sapa Dualframe windows, or the Hazlemere Sculptured aluminium window systems need have no concerns.

However, those with Hazlemere Classic aluminium windows or doors, who had planned to order matching windows or doors at some point do need to take notice should they want products that exactly match their existing ones.

Hazlemere Window Company Ltd was recently informed by the systems manufacturer of the Hazlemere Classic aluminium profile that they have decided to permanently withdraw the Hazlemere Classic aluminium window system from the marketplace later this year. The Hazlemere Classic profile is available in a sublimated oak, rosewood or walnut timber effect finish, and is the only aluminium window system Hazlemere Windows sell at present that is available with raised matching astragal aluminium Georgian bars in any RAL colour (although there are 23 standard colours available in addition to these 3 woodgrain finishes).

Hazlemere Windows want to make all their customers aware in case they wish to order any more windows and/or doors to match those Hazlemere have already fitted to their property before the profile becomes extinct. Hazlemere Windows have managed to agree a stay of execution for this aluminium window system with its deep opening vents until a final deadline of Monday 19th October 2015. However, it is important customers are aware that sadly Hazlemere Windows will be unable to accept orders for this window system after that date as it will then not be available ever again.

Please contact Hazlemere Windows if you have Hazlemere Classic aluminium windows and would like a no obligation appointment and/or a free quotation so that you can then decide if you would like to order any windows/doors to exactly match those you already have at your property.


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