Aluminium Or UPVC – Which Material Is Better?

You have to think about several things when buying new windows and doors for your home such as the colour and style being exactly right for the type of property you own. When they’re bought from Hazlemere you also need to decide upon a material and whether UPVC or aluminium is your best bet.

White Aluminium Windows

We’re always very honest with anyone that asks us to choose between UPVC and aluminium and tell them that we simply cannot pick a favourite as they’re both equally good. All we can do is provide them with the facts…


Money will play a big factor in any window or door buying decision and UPVC products are more inexpensive than aluminium equivalents.

This shouldn’t automatically put you off aluminium as you should keep in mind the thermal insulating qualities of aluminium and how it will save you lots of money on future energy bills.


Very little time needs to be dedicated to preserving UPVC or aluminium as they’re both weather-resistant and practically maintenance-free.

They never need repainting and any marks that appear on a UPVC or aluminium frame can be easily removed with a wet, soapy cloth with ease.


UPVC is immensely resilient, but aluminium is one of the most durable materials around and offers unrivalled strength.

The toughness exhibited by both materials is what gives us the confidence to provide customers with a 10 year guarantee as we know that UPVC and aluminium have staying power. A UPVC / aluminium window / door also includes a hi-tech locking mechanism for added security.


Traditional white remains the favoured finish for UPVC windows and doors, but the colour palette for UPVC products has broadened in recent years.

You do though get a wider selection of possible colours with aluminium crafted designs as virtually any RAL colour can be developed for an aluminium product.

And the winner is…

It’s up to you to determine that and the best way of judging it is to come and visit either of Hazlemere’s showrooms where we display a wide selection of UPVC and aluminium home improvements.  


Our showrooms are our shop windows and we have invested heavily to create extensive displays that best showcase our large range of windows, doors and living spaces. You will receive a warm welcome, plus a proper coffee, and the choice to browse at your leisure without interruption.


Want to speak with an Advisor? Give us a call on 08000 825 825

Our friendly team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.

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