BIG ENERGY SAVING WEEK – 5 Energy Saving Tips From Hazlemere Windows

Big Energy Saving Week doesn’t actually commence until next Monday but there’s no time like the present to change home habits and be more efficient with your energy usage as that’s what this annual initiative is designed to highlight.

It was set-up by Citizens Advice and is a national campaign to help people cut their energy bills and get all the financial support they are entitled to. Are you on-board?

We certainly are and hope you will be too after giving you a head start and sharing with you 5 of our best energy saving tips…

  1. Don’t be overly loyal to your energy supplier

According to the Energy Saving Trust, nine million UK households have been on the same energy package for six years, hitting them in the pocket to the tune of £1,500. If your current supplier isn’t offering the most competitive tariff you need to switch, not stay with them – loyalty is rarely rewarding when it comes to energy companies. Once you have found a good deal the switching process will be fast and stress-free.

  1. Install energy efficient windows and doors

Any energy-related money worries you have could be put down to the poor standard of insulation offered by your existing windows and doors – are they doing a good enough job of keeping the cold out and keeping the heat in?

Very significant long-term energy savings will be made when you replace them for the most energy efficient windows and doors you can afford.

  1. Use your heater’s timer function

To whose benefit is it to have your heating on when there’s no-one at home? It certainly isn’t to the benefit of your bank balance.

Set your heating to come on for when you get up first thing in the morning and only when the house is occupied. Several modern heating systems enable you to turn your heating on and off using an app on your mobile phone which is handy when you’re out and about and would like it on upon your arrival home.

  1. Pull the plug on devices

Speaking of mobile phones, they’re one of a number of devices that need regular charging. Admit it; have you ever left your phone on charge overnight or charged something for too long?

You may not know that not only will this shorten the battery life but it will also cost you financially as even when something is fully charged it will continue to consume energy. Keep tabs on devices when they’re charging and unplug them when the 100% mark is reached.

  1. One boil is all that’s needed

We’re a nation of tea drinkers. The kettle is on a lot at Hazlemere but only when we really want a cuppa as boiling it and then re-boiling it a few moments later costs you money when it needn’t do. Using the right amount of water for the number of people you’re brewing up for will also prevent the kettle from being over boiled.  


You’ll save money on energy when you buy any product from Hazlemere Windows. Our full range can be seen at our two fabulous showrooms.









Our showrooms are our shop windows and we have invested heavily to create extensive displays that best showcase our large range of windows, doors and living spaces. You will receive a warm welcome, plus a proper coffee, and the choice to browse at your leisure without interruption.


Want to speak with an Advisor? Give us a call on 08000 825 825

Our friendly team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.

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