Transform Your Home With Aluminium Windows From Hazlemere

It’s a new season and it could herald a brand new start for your home if you decide to replace your old windows with some sparkling new aluminium windows.

White Aluminium Windows with Leaded Finish

Supplied double or triple glazed at Hazlemere, aluminium windows are immensely pleasing on the eyes as they have an unbelievably slim profile due to the surprising flexibility of aluminium. When assimilated into any property, old or new, the appearance of it will be immediately elevated to stylish new heights.

Gloriously beautiful aesthetics are just one sole benefit of aluminium windows and partly why they have become such a serious rival to UPVC windows. There are several more benefits we could mention:


The British climate is unlike any other and traditional windows struggle to cope with our temperamental elements – rotting, warping, splitting etc. eventually manifests.

Aluminium is a weather-resistant material and can handle all conditions over a sustained period without its appearance or performance deteriorating.


An added benefit of the weather-resistant qualities of aluminium is that the material requires very little upkeep.

Your only occasional duty will be to take a wet cloth to the window frame to remove any muck or marks that you can see spot. Such blemishes will come off very easily and the frame will look spotless again.


You should never forget that the most important role a set of windows play is to keep your home protected.

Aluminium windows will most certainly do that as aluminium is amazingly robust and an aluminium window is equipped with the very latest secure locking system. Good luck to anyone who tries to force open an aluminium window when it’s locked as they’ll be left disappointed in their efforts.

Thermal efficiency

No-one wants to live in a cold home. When indoors you rightly expect to be able to live in comfort, but that often isn’t the case for some families and their windows are to blame.

Aluminium offers exceptional thermal efficiency and can significantly reduce heat loss while promoting solar gain.


You’re most definitely not short of coloured options for aluminium windows – aluminium doesn’t just come in silver, far from it.

They can be finished in virtually any colour and because they’re powder-coated they don’t require any repainting or touching up. Simply tell us what colour you want and we will concoct a suitable solution.


A visit to a Hazlemere showroom should be in your plans if aluminium windows are what you need to create a more vibrant, secure and thermally efficient residence.


Our showrooms are our shop windows and we have invested heavily to create extensive displays that best showcase our large range of windows, doors and living spaces. You will receive a warm welcome, plus a proper coffee, and the choice to browse at your leisure without interruption.


Want to speak with an Advisor? Give us a call on 08000 825 825

Our friendly team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.

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